16/10/1999 : Major Update on page
         We will be undergoing a major update on this clan webpage. I am going to change the whole webpage. A good webpage designer gave me some new ideas to create this clan webpage. I will start updating the page onthe 30th this month. I won't be updating the page now because my exam falls on the 25th this month (I need to study you know).

        We will still except new members. Just sign up the form below and change your nick to _RK_T_(nick here)  exp : _RK_T_Brainless. I will then add your nick in to the squads page after my exam. IMPORTANT : ALL NEW MEMBERS MUST HAVE ICQ. DOWNLOAD IT AT  http://www.icq.com . My ICQ UIN is 29029619.

_RK_CG_Ancients - Clan Guardian Of The Radiant Knights

Join The Radiant Knights Online Gaming Clan!

*Please fill out this application if you want to apply.


Your name:
Email address:

ICQ Number:
How old are you:
Homepage Url
What is the quote you like or you say alot?

What games do you play?
Delta Force
Delta Force 2
Age Of Empires
Quake 2

How long have you been playing these games?

How did you hear about Radiant Knights?

Have you read our rules section?

Any comments?